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The fact is, the plenty of fish app shows you was online even when you are not. You can even log out of the mobile app and still show was online. I have tested this. Sometimes you show as online for hours when you have been nowhere near your POF account. It appears that if you are using your phone generally, you can still show was online. There are plenty of people eager to make new connections on Plenty of Fish. For nearly 40 years, the Professional Opticians of Florida (POF) has been dedicated to enhancing the competency of opticians, advancing the profession of opticianry, working to resolve the governmental policy issues affecting opticianry and to protecting the health and welfare of the public.

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2021 Legislative Update

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A Message From Your Lobbyist..

I am honored to represent the Professional Opticians ofFlorida as your lobbyist in Tallahassee. I've been involved in the Legislativeprocess now for over 33 years. I served for nine years in the Florida House ofRepresentatives and then 11 years in the Florida Senate, and, after therequired two years of retirement from the Legislature, I've been back up inTallahassee lobbying.

Working the Legislature is a year-round task. It's easierto find time to meet with legislators before Session and Committee Meetingsthan during it. Members and Officers of the POF make contributions to ourPolitical Committee, and we participate in fundraisers for the LegislativeLeadership of both chambers and both parties.. I believe that the POF has hadbetter direct contact with Legislative Leadership recently than in the past.They may not always agree with us, but at least they know who we are.

In the 2020 Legislative Session, bills were filed thatwould have 'sunsetted' (deregulated) many professions, including opticianry. Wewere able to get promises from the bill sponsors that the language aboutopticians would be removed if they pursued the bills. When legislatures refiledthe bills for the 2021 Session, they were refiled without sunsetting opticianryat all.

I hope that POF members will continue to make politicalcontributions to the Opticians for Better Vision Political Committee and willbe available to write and email your legislators when we need your voices. Ilook forward to working with you again next year.

Steve Geller, Esq.

POF Lobbyist

Mayor, Broward County, FL

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Former FL Senator

Geller Law Firm, PA

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Former FL Senator

Geller Law Firm, PA

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If you are not a member of the Professional Opticians of Florida, please join today. POF, membership with a purpose!! https://pof.org/Join-POF

Opticians for Better Vision

2021 Donation Goal

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